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Director with the rank of associate professor. The head of РС “Vasilishki” Anton Burnos was awarded an academic title

Director with the rank of associate professor. The head of РС “Vasilishki” Anton Burnos was awarded an academic title

Last week, an unusual event occurred at РС Vasilishki. The director of the enterprise, Anton Burnos, was awarded the academic title of associate professor. On this occasion, the head of the farm was congratulated by the enterprise staff and guests from the scientific and practical center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for animal husbandry.

The scientific career of Anton Burnos is inextricably linked with the Republican Unitary Enterprise “Scientific and Practical Center of the National Academy of Sciences of Belarus for Animal Husbandry.” The scientific interests of the newly appointed associate professor include the topic of breeding and improving pig breeds. Anton Burnos received his PhD degree for his dissertation “The use of imported meat genotypes of pigs in various types of crossing and hybridization.”

The work was carried out on the basis of the Zbrazhki pig farm of РC Vasilishki. All the results of the dissertation work are currently used in the work of the farm. And this gives a good result: the profitability of pig farming at РC “Vasilishki” last year was 12.5%, which is an excellent indicator for this branch of agriculture. When raising new breeds of pigs, it was possible to increase the average daily weight gain and reduce feed conversion, which in turn gave a favorable economic effect.

Anton Burnos was presented with a certificate of associate professor by his supervisor, Doctor of Agricultural Sciences, Professor Ivan Sheiko.

“I was lucky enough to be the supervisor of Anton Cheslavovich’s candidate dissertation,” says Ivan Pavlovich. - To be honest, from the first days when he came to graduate school, I noticed that he was a very responsible and far-sighted person. We hope for further fruitful work with Anton Cheslavovich, because painstaking work awaits us. In 2027, we must approve a new competitive breed of pigs in Belarus.

On this day, the team of РC “Vasilishki” expressed sincere words of congratulations to their leader.

“Receiving the title of associate professor did not come as a surprise to me,” said Anton Burnos. “I walked towards him purposefully and systematically. I have been working at an agricultural enterprise for almost 10 years and worked in a scientific and practical center. Of course, the result is not accidental, and it is important to note not my merits, but the people who meet me on my career path, I express my deep gratitude to you. I am pleased that at such a moment the team of our company did not stand aside.

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