ОАО Василишки - многоотраслевое хозяйство, специализирующееся на выращивании зерновых и зернобобовых культур, семян масленичных культур, картофеля, сахарной свеклы, кормовых культур, разведении свиней и молочного крупного рогатого скота, выращивании плодов и овощей.

231522, ул. Советская, 30, а.г. Василишки, Щучинский район, Гродненская область

+375 (15) 147-93-07
+375 (15) 147-93-14 (факс)

Farmers are completing sowing of annual grasses, corn, vegetables, buckwheat and millet

Farmers are completing sowing of annual grasses, corn, vegetables, buckwheat and millet

According to the Ministry of Agriculture and Food, as of the morning of May 29, the plan for sowing annual grasses was completed on 92.4% of the total area of ​​244.3 thousand hectares.

At the final stage, sowing of other important agricultural crops is also underway. The country has sown 4.55 thousand hectares of vegetables from 4.6 thousand hectares (98%), 1163.1 thousand hectares of corn, or almost 95%. The area under strategic livestock crops this year was expanded from 1139.5 thousand hectares to 1225.2 thousand hectares.

Buckwheat was sown on 32.6 thousand hectares out of the planned 34.7 thousand hectares - almost 94%; millet was sown at 92.2% - 9.13 thousand hectares were sown out of 9.9 thousand hectares. 


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