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Football, darts and rope walking: 8 teams from the organized agricultural complex of the Shchuchyn region became the first round-the-year sports competition.

Football, darts and rope walking: 8 teams from the organized agricultural complex of the Shchuchyn region became the first round-the-year sports competition.

In the Shchuchin region, for the first time, a year-round sports competition was held among organizations of the agro-industrial complex, dedicated to the Year of Quality. The competition was initiated by the sports and tourism sector of the district executive committee and held thanks to the support of local authorities. In winter, the best in swimming was determined, in the spring - in volleyball. And recently, more than a hundred participants - agricultural workers and their relatives - came to the city stadium "Olympus" to compete in the finals both in the individual competition and in the team championship.

Olympus and its visitors are always associated with sports. On this day, farmers really could not be distinguished from professional athletes: boots, socks, colored personalized T-shirts, like famous football players. Only our athletes “from the ground” had the inscriptions “Orlya”, “Vasilishki”, “Schuchina Poultry Farm”, “Schuchina Agroproduct”, “Dembrovo” and “Bolshoye Mozheikovo State Farm” on their uniforms.

Diana KEIKO.
Photo by the author.

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