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It’s an early harvest in Belarus – 25 thousand tons of winter barley have been threshed

It’s an early harvest in Belarus – 25 thousand tons of winter barley have been threshed

This year's harvest began unusually early. As of June 24, 25 thousand tons of winter barley had been threshed. A year ago, on this date, cleaning had not yet begun. This was reported by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food.

The largest amount of milk was threshed in the Brest region - 18 thousand tons. In Grodno - over 3 thousand, Gomel - more than 2 thousand, Minsk - more than a thousand. Vitebsk and Mogilev regions did not start cleaning. 

The area of ​​winter barley is growing every year. In 2024, they occupy 265 thousand hectares. So far, 2 percent have been removed.

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