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+375 (15) 147-93-07
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More than 2 million tons of haylage have been harvested in Belarus

More than 2 million tons of haylage have been harvested in Belarus

As of May 27, agricultural organizations had harvested over 2 million tons of haylage. The pace of work is significantly faster than last year. In 2023, as of this date, it was three times less. This was reported by the Ministry of Agriculture and Food.

32 percent of grasses were mowed (a year ago – 14). In the Brest region - 67 (33), Grodno - 44 (14), Minsk - 35 (15), Gomel - 18 (13), Mogilev - 9 (2), Vitebsk - 5 (1).

During the season it is necessary to prepare 20.5 million tons of silage, 13.3 million tons of haylage, 700 thousand tons of hay.


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