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Sowing names his heroes. In the Shchuchinsky district, the results of the regional competition for the best result in spring field work have been summed up

Sowing names his heroes. In the Shchuchinsky district, the results of the regional competition for the best result in spring field work have been summed up

Every year in the Shchuchyn region, a district competition is held for achieving the best results in spring field work. This year, according to its results, the five best mechanics were determined, who carried out spring sowing on time and with high quality.

The first deputy head of the department of agriculture and food of the district executive committee Ina Kuchura and the chairman of the district committee of the trade union of workers of the APC, Henry Yurevych, presented the awards to the winners of the competition.

As many as three winners of the district competition distinguished themselves in PC "Vasilyshki". Mechanics Vladimir Pavlyukevich, Jozef Bartashevich and Pavel Daglis received awards and congratulations from Henry Yurevych, Ina Kuchura and director Anton Burnos. In addition, the absolute winner in the nomination "Sowing of early spring, grain and leguminous crops" was Vladimir Pavlyukevich, who sowed 472 hectares with these crops this spring. Vladimir works on a tractor that is more than 19 years old. Despite its solid age, the equipment still allows you to work efficiently and set records. The car is currently undergoing minor repairs, but will soon be back on the line.

Author’s photo.

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